If you do not know us already, Academia MAI has been operating in many schools and institutions up and down the islands of Tenerife and Gran Canaria for the past couple of years. Our star product FastTyping has been helping…
What is FastTyping Online?
FastTyping Online is our 15 hour online Touch Typing course, based on over 30 years experience. It is a fully automated adaptation of our version for schools. At only €19.90, FastTyping provides all the necessary tools to become an expert typer in no time!
Who is FastTyping Online for?
FastTyping Online has been designed with university students and professionals in mind, but is open to users of all ages. Being an online based web app, users can access the course from any location via an internet connection and a keyboard enabled device.
How do I sign up for FastTyping Online?
FastTyping Online can be accessed via this link, the link at the top of this page, or by accessing the app directly at fasttyping.com. The sign up process takes place quickly and securely on the site. From the moment you register access to the platform is granted immediately.
Fast Typing - Emprende.ull¿Conoces el servicio #online de FastTyping Escritura Digital? Alberto González, joven emprendedor que encontró, mientras estudiaba en la Universidad de La Laguna (ULL), la solución a uno de los problemas que se encontraba en el aula universitaria: la lentitud de los universitarixs a la hora de escribir en un #PC💜💻🙌 ¡La revolución de la #mecanografíadigital ha llegado! Visita fasttyping.com y descubre todas sus ventajas 👇 #emprendeull #casosdeÉxito #AcademiasMAI #escrituraDigital #emprendedores #emprendedoras #nichosdemercado #FGULL #ULL #aulasULL #formaciónOnline
Posted by Emprendeull on Monday, 3 December 2018
Company Video (Emprende ULL)
Course Video