Design Courses

MAI Design Courses

The great success of this course is based on the development of such tools as the Adobe Creative Suite. These are used to edit our photos or design new forms and creative documents. This course is directed to both individuals and professionals in the field of photography design or image editing.


In addition to those mentioned above MAI understands that there are groups of people who need special training in such tools as Autocad to name but one. We therefore offer courses tailored to those students who require more specialized courses.

Business Courses

MAI Business Courses

Professional training is essential for companies in order to increase employee performance. Our professional courses not only achieve this goal, but are also supported by the Tripartite Foundation, adding value to your name at no additional cost to the organization.

Office Course

MAI Office Courses

The use of these applications is fundamental today, in our personal, student and professional lives. Mastering them with ease and efficiency represents a basic, necessary and highly demanded skill. As a result, this course receives a high acceptance rate as students learn to use word processors, spreadsheets, graphics, data processors, presentation tools, videos, project builders, models, among other tools.

FastTyping (Touch Typing)

MAI Fast Typing

The importance of correctly mastering the keyboard is growing every day, due to the enormous and rapid advancement of new technologies in our daily and professional lives. It is an important skill to possess within almost any industry today, particularly professions in which working with any form of computer medium is an essential requirement.

Most people believe they can type well, but do we write with all our fingers and without looking at the keyboard? This course will help to achieve just that. Using state-of-the-art tools along with our own dynamic software, you will learn to type correctly mastering a skill that can make a great difference today.

FastTyping Methodology

The course is delivered via our innovative Web based program: FastTyping, based on keys per minute, tones and a modern design, to guarantee that that students learn in an enjoyable way.

The program is also available in English at the click of a button, and features access to games, which can be used alongside the course content, to further enhance learning.

También contamos con la posibilidad de realizar prácticas en inglés, así como juegos incorporados al método para aprender de una forma más lúdica en una parte de las clases.

Thanks to the innovative software with which FastTyping works, extra lessons can be added throughout the course, and centres may also work with custom exercises or texts that they consider to be of relevance.

Advantages of FastTyping

  • Speed, agility and productivity improvement
  • Time saving and optimization
  • Considerable reduction of errors
  • Read and write at the same time, facilitating the comprehension of texts
  • Notable improvement in reporting
  • Avoid SMS and Chat language
  • Ergonomics
  • Basic skill for entering advanced studies and the world of work
  • Ability to type whilst continually engaging with an interlocutor